Spiritual Philosophy from Hindu Ancient Scriptures

Blog about Spiritual Philosphoies of various Ancient Hindu Scriptures and philosophies of various Yugpurushas, Sadgurus and Saints. Aim of the Author is trying to search the various Scriptures and spread the light on the real ancient Spritual knowledge alongwith Ultra Science information with various Sadhanas and Yogas also with the searching of Various Ancient Temples, Ashrams, Sampradayas & Akharas etc.

J. Krishnamurthy - The great Philosopher of India

This is about the great philosopher of India. He was the person, who gave the original definitions of nourishment and ill-nourishment. He defined both of these facts on critical basis and scattered the light in a new way. I regard him from the inner portion of my heart. If time would help me, I will write about him a lot. This is on his birthday as a tribute.

Jiddu Krishnamurthy was a renowned writer and speaker on philosophical and spiritual subjects. His subject matter included: psychological revolution, the nature of the mind, meditation, human relationships, and bringing about positive change in society. He constantly stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasized that such revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social.

Jiddu Krishnamurti was born in a family of Telugu-speaking Brahmins on May 12, 1895. He was a sensitive and sickly child and regarded as dull-witted in his childhood. In April 1909 a Theosophical member by name C.W. Leadbeater recognised his potential to become a great world teacher. He was taken into Theosophical society and made the head of the 'Order of the Star in the East' which subscribed to the doctrine of the coming of the World Teacher, which he dissolved in 1929 and proclaimed that the 'Truth is a pathless land'. Krishnamurti had denounced all organized belief, the notion of gurus and started teaching around the world from the profound wisdom he acquired until he died on February 17, 1986.

Krishnamurti constantly emphasized the right place of thought in daily life. But he also pointed out the dangers of thought when it becomes knowledge that acts as a calcified projection of the past. According to Krishnamurti, such action distorts our perception and full understanding of the world we live in, and more specifically, the relationships that define it.


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